leadership team & Core values

ministry council

Our Ministry Council reflects our core values:

Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Mission, Evangelism, Stewardship and Prayer.

As all ministry leadership is appointed by the Rector, per the Canons of the Diocese of

Fort Worth, so the Ministry Council serves as the Rector’s “arm” for ministry in the life of the parish. Accordingly, this leadership council represents and tends to the needs and concerns of the different ministry offerings in our congregation whether it is within our community or beyond.

If you have questions for any of our ministry council members, just send an e-mail at admin@ctrfw.org or call our church office at 817 386-3000.


As Christians, we are all called to be good stewards of the gifts that God has given us:

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:  whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through

Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

1 Peter 4:10-11

our ministry council leaders

  • Sarah Pearson, Altar Guild

    The Altar Guild is a lay ministry to serve God in His house by preparing the Sanctuary for worship, maintaining and caring for the sacred vessels, altar linens, and vestments The Altar Guild is the liturgical partner of the Priest. Sarah oversees the altar guild training, scheduling, and ordering the supplies for the altar.

  • Deacon Carl, Acolyte ministry

    The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning companion, attendant, or helper. This ministry has its roots in the Old Testament, where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli, the Levite priest. Today, we see acolytes dressed in robes of white, quietly carrying torches, crosses, alms basins, and cruets of water & wine. A vital part of worship, acolytes blend into the background and help our liturgies flow smoothly.

  • Felicity Mazur-Park, Director of Music

    Felicity, an English composer, pianist, and organist, holds a Bachelor of Music degree from The Boston Conservatory, a Master of Education degree from Tennessee State University, and a Master of Music degree from Texas Christian University, where she is studying towards her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Music Composition with a cognate in organ performance. She lives in Euless with her husband and two young sons.

  • Carolyn King, Flower Guild

    “Our purpose is to glorify the altar with God's own gift of flowers and plants to demonstrate our love and thanksgiving to Him.”Carolyn serves as the Flower Guild Chair. In Scripture, we are encouraged to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 96:6). Among other things, flowers represent growth and life and are used to adorn the altar, and other areas of the parish, that all people might experience the beauty of God through his creation.

  • Carroll Kobs, Lay  Reader ministry Coordinator

    A most holy and humbling act of ministry is the public reading of Scripture. For, as the Scriptures say, “How can they believe in the one of whom they have never heard? And, how can they hear if no one is proclaiming? (Romans 10:14). CTR offers its members the opportunity to publicly read the Word of God in worship each week.

  • Matt Pearson, a/v leader

    Matt is our leader for the A/V. He works to ensure volunteers are trained. This ministry is part of our worship team and they encourage young people to get involved.

  • Hank Pereth, Usher Ministry

    The Usher Ministry is one of the few ministries that covers more than one of CTR’s core values – Worship and Evangelism. Ushers are often the first you will see as they open the door and greet you on Sunday mornings; they help in the worship service- collecting the offertory and guiding worshipers to the Communion altar; and they help parishioners with any needs or questions that may arise on Sunday morning.

  • Connie Alexander, Fellowship chair

    The Fellowship Committee is CTR’s hospitality ministry for our parish. Connie and her committee are responsible for the coffee service and snack table every Sunday morning; hosting the Annual Parish Meeting luncheon in January; and other needs throughout the year. Fellowship is just one of several CTR ministries that welcomes new people and connects our church family with one another.

  • Susan Ross, Greeters/Welcome Table Chair

    The Welcome Table ministry welcomes visitors to our church every Sunday morning. Susan as the chair of this committee is responsible for recruiting and scheduling greeters every Sunday; and creating wonderful welcome bags for our visitors.

  • Melissa Smith, Director of Family and Children’s Ministries

    It is our desire at Christ the Redeemer to welcome little children, as Jesus did, to come to Him and be blessed. Our goal is to support and equip parents in their role as the primary spiritual leaders of their families. We are eager to partner with families as they seek to nurture their child’s belief in God.

  • Fr. Charles, Director of YOuth Ministry

    At CTR, the whole purpose of youth ministry is to develop life-long disciples of Christ.  Through worship, discipleship, fellowship and mission, the youth of CTR are given opportunities to explore and enrich their faith. I Timothy 4:12 declares, “Do not let anyone despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” Therefore, we at CTR commit ourselves to equipping our youth to learn how to serve today, that they may know how to lead tomorrow.

  • Michael Cobillas, Director of College and Young Adult Ministries

    Michael is from the Bay Area in California, and he comes from a family of 4. He attended the Community College of San Mateo, earning a certificate in Administration of Justice, and at Grand Canyon University, earning a Bachelor's of Arts in Christian Studies. He now lives in Fort Worth and his married to his lovely wife, Sarah. Favorite things to do - spending time with family/friends, playing sports, watching movies, listening to/playing music...

  • Tony Rutigliano,  Brotherhood of St. Paul and St. Timothy

    Tony leads our men's Brotherhood of St. Paul and St. Timothy. The men meet usually ion the first Monday of the month and participate in an annual retreat at the end of September.

  • melissa smith, Women of CTR

    The purpose of CTR’s Women’s Ministry is to unite women of all ages and interests in order to serve Jesus and to get to know each other better as the body of Christ. Melissa  coordinates and oversees the various women’s events over the year, including our annual Ladies Christmas coffee held in December.

  • Mary Katherine Tetirick,  Prayer Intercessor

    Mary Anne serves as Chief Prayer Intercessor for Christ the Redeemer. She intercedes for the prayer needs of the people, staff, ministries of Christ the Redeemer, the diocese and global church; and facilitates the intercessory prayer meeting, prayer teams and prayer ministry in the life of the parish. 

  • Bill Martin,  (LEV) Ministry coordinator

    The Lay Eucharistic Visitors Ministry (LEV) is a ministry that is devoted to bringing communion to parishioners who would like to receive communion but are unable to attend church due to either temporary or long term incapacity. Bill coordinates with our priests those parishioners who request communion, with licensed LEV volunteers to administer the Sacrament.

  • Sandy Tisdale, Mission Committee Chair

    CTR is committed to the mission of the church by dedicating 10% of pledged income to our mission ministry. The committee covers a variety of different mission partners here in Fort Worth and beyond living out Acts 1:8. To find out how to get involved contact our church and/or visit our mission page here.

  • Fr. Charles, Life Groups coordinator

     Fr. Charles coordinates the Life Group programs at CTR . Currently we offer about a dozen Life Groups. You can find our more on our Life Group page found here or you can fill out this form.  Whether you have questions on what Life Groups are, or which one or more to join, Fr. Charles will help you get connected to the other members of the CTR family.