Anglican youth ministries

youth group

Hey guys and gals,

We meet from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd and  4th Sundays of each month. Our time together will be a combination of praise and worship, lessons, small groups, and service.

A general overview of our meetings is below:

The second Sunday of each month will include praise and worship music led by the Youth Group, a time for reflection/teaching, and small and large group discussion.

The fourth Sunday of each month will remain somewhat flexible. We may cover a classic Christian book, study the Bible, or do service work.


In Christ’s love,

Fr. Charles +

The anglican Diocese of Fort Worth: youth ministry

Bishop's Ball

All 6th-12th graders are invited to our Country Club Bishop's Ball dance on February 8, 6-8:30PM at St. Vincent's Cathedral. We'll have an evening of dinner, dancing, games and worship! Tickets are $10 if purchased by 2/3 or $15 cash at the door. Dressing to the theme is optional.

Register here

The Anglican Diocese of Fort Worth:

YOuth ministry

Happening #12

This two-night retreat at Camp Crucis is for 10th-12th graders, February 28th-March 2nd. It is a spiritually intense weekend focused on Anglican traditions and sacraments and is often described as a pivotal point in many young people's devotion to our Lord. Cost is $125.

Register here


Youth Sunday School

Acts 1- 12

Part1: God's POwer in Jerusalem and Judea


The primary way we hope to develop the youth into disciples of Christ is through our Sunday School time. We will cover the first half of the book of Acts in the fall and the second half in the spring. Our resource will be the “Life Guide Bible Studies”, Acts: Chapters 1-12. CTR has purchased a copy for each Youth member, and we encourage the parents to study along with the children. Each Sunday, A youth group leader will lead a section of Acts, and then the youth will be split into small groups to discuss the accompanying questions

Capital Campaign

Becoming a City on a Hill…

youth initiative.

Our Youth Garage Sale with Lemonade Stand was a tremendous success last Saturday!

Our youth raised almost $1400! 

That's a lot of treasures sold.

It wasn’t a complete sell out, so our communities benefited from our left-over items through such organizations as Half Price Books, Goodwill and Manna Storehouse.

Thank you to our youth and all those who donated items and volunteered their time for helping us get closer to building a city on a hill.

Anglican youth minister &

assisting priest

Fr. Charles (Bubba) Humphrey

Fr. Charles, affectionately known as Bubba, is originally from Natchez, Mississippi, but he got to Texas as soon as he could in 2021 as our Assisting Priest! He became a Christian in November of 2003 and soon afterwards enrolled in Wesley Bible college where he received a B.A in Biblical Literature and Theology … to which then led to Wesley Biblical Seminary, graduating in 2015.

Fr. Bubba brings to his ministry passion in engaging the culture with the beauty and truth of the Gospel with teaching, apologetics, or just sitting down for a chat over a cup of coffee.(He is open to lunch too!) He is honored to be a part of reaching the youth of CTR and prays the Lord’s blessing over the coming generation of believers.    

On a personal/family note… he is married to his lovely wife, Eva. There is no question, Fr. Charles loves kids. He has 6 of them (and they are all amazing) and the one born in November 2021 is with Eva;)!