Ladies' Fall bible study

Ladies’ fall Bible Study

hosted by Laura O'Brien in her home

begins on Wednesdays,

September 18th to October 30th

 @10:00 a.m. to noon

Come Home, by Caroline Saunders

“Tracing God’s Promise of Home through Scripture”

In this 7-session study, Caroline Saunders follows the theme of home through the Bible. From humanity’s first home to our eternal one, we’ll see God drawing near to abide with us. We’ll find that even the best aspects of home here are just a glimmer of what God is building for us through Christ. This study will affirm that our longing for home is good and purposeful, pointing us to our truest home which is found in Him.

You can read about Caroline Saunders and see a clip about this Bible study here:

Workbooks are available on

I’ll send more reminders when we are closer to our start date – just wanted to give you a heads up right now!

Women's Bible Study

Tuesday Evenings :

September 10th - october 29th

Led by Jessica Tetirick and meeting at her home on Tuesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. This evening group will start a new 8 week study on September 10th through October 29th. Women are invited to come and explore The Practicing the Way course through reading, video, practice and discussion. We look forward to discovering how to apprentice after Jesus in community, studying the Word and spiritual practices together, and forming new friendships! Contact Jessica for more information HERE.

WOmen's discipleship

Discovery Bible Study:

Basic Questions for study the bible

Led by Caron Overbeek & Dianne Capper; currently meeting every other Thursday, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. @ CTR. Check our calendar for when they meet or  contact Caron HERE or Dianne HERE.

Women's Ministry

Mother's Union

Mother's Union (MU) is a worldwide, global Christian movement for people of all faiths (and none) and is one of the first woman-led organizations whose mission is to build resilience, challenge prejudice, and advocate change. Members are active in 84 countries serving their communities by offering Christian care for families, regardless of faith or background, towards ending violence, poverty and injustice


The movement began in 1876 in the UK. The group was set up to support mothers in bringing up their children. By forging strong links within their communities members have worked to support one another and give a voice to disadvantaged women while addressing wider social issues.


For more information about Mother's Union:

CTR Ladies' Book Club

The book for September will be ...

"The Women" by Kristen Hannah

The Ladies' Book Club will resume on September 9th!

Join the ladies on the second Monday of the month @10:30am at CTR. Carolyn King is the discussion leader.

You do not need to be a member to attend, for all are welcome. If you have any questions, you may contact the church or Carolyn King here.