Becoming a city on a hill - becoming a reality!


In case you missed the announcement, CTR has received an additional $2 million in pledges, bringing the total we have raised to $7 million, which means we can build both buildings in

Phase 1 - Building A (The East Wing), which will house our kitchen, interim nave, and fellowship space and Building B (The West Wing) which will house offices and classrooms. 

Please join us in praising God for this outstanding news!

If you have not submitted a pledge or gift, we thank you for prayerfully considering your participation.

Phase i, Becoming a city on a hill...

becoming a reality!

From Fr. Chris, our Rector in his letter to our parish,

"Now, in the Year of our Lord 2024, 17 years after Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church was established right here in Fort Worth, Texas, God has given us the opportunity to build a parish home that will touch peoples’ lives for generations to come. Can you imagine who will encounter Jesus in our midst – you, your children, your grandchildren, your friends, their friends, and so on? Who might visit us from distant lands, or otherwise pay us a visit from the apartments, homes, and businesses located just around the corner? What impact might we have together for the Kingdom of God, as we consider all the ways God might allow us to use this piece of property to create mission and ministry opportunities? ...

Thank you in advance for the sacrifices of time, talent, and treasure I know each one of us will make as we build a parish home for our church family and, in so doing, proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth. 

Yours in Christ, The Very Rev. Christopher P. Culpepper


Capital Campaign Brochure

To make a donation

Building a church, our concept design

The total cost for Phase 1, is $8 million. We have already started to raise the funds and are excited that soon this vision will become a reality. We will post on  a later date on how much we have raised .

Our Mission

The Mission of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church is the fulfillment of

the Great Command and the Great Commission, within the Great Tradition.  

Each of these three “Greats,” within its unique scope, 

is a means of sharing the Word of God and the Love of Jesus. 

Taken together, the Great Command within the Great Tradition empowers congregants to undertake the directives of the Great Commission - 

being prepared to spread the Gospel and begin the process of making Disciples.  

Building an Anglican Church, our design explained