Sundays @ Ctr

Sunday School will resume

in September @9:30 am

Summer hours:

Fellowship with coffee and snacks @10:00 am

Worship Service for Everyone

@10:30 am

Nursery is available.

What to expect

every sunday...

Whether you are new to church or

haven’t been for a long time,

you are most welcome at Christ the Redeemer.

Here is what you could expect on Sunday morning....

First, please come as you are. From suits to sandals, we want you to feel at home with us. Second, when you come in our doors, you will be greeted by one of our members. They can answer any questions you may have before or after our service. And at the end of our service, Fr. Chris will also welcome you!

...and there are two basic things you will want to know about our worship service.

First, our worship service is highly participatory! Together, we sing, pray, read Scripture, hear a message that applies to our daily lives, take communion, and are charged to go and make disciples of all nations! Second, we do these things because this is what the Church has always done! Our worship service is taken directly from what Jesus said to the 12 apostles: "Do this in remembrance of me." 


Of course, so much more could be said about the beauty and depth of our worship service, but the best way is to “come and see” for yourself!