going out in mission!

local, regional and global

Jesus said, in Matthew 22: 37-40: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first and Great Commandment, and the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

At Christ the Redeemer we have partnered with over 12 agencies from our community and beyond to serve and bless others with the love of Jesus Christ. In addition, we commit 10% of our pledged income to mission.  If you are interested in learning more either contact the church here or Sandy Tisdale, our Mission leader here.

Local needs

Snacks for Rivertree:

We will are collecting individually packaged snacks for Rivertree students each week. Snacks should be individually packaged and non-perishable (e.g.: Goldfish, pretzels, crackers, granola bars, fruit rollups, etc.) The school requests that we do NOT send things such as fruit cups that require spoons and/or pose a spill risk. You can drop them off on Sunday at the church.

our mission ministry leaders

The following members of CTR are our contacts for the various organizations we support through time, treasure and prayers. They are each passionate about the missions they represent and have developed relationships with each with the love of Jesus Christ.

  • Sandy Tisdale (mission Chair), Love for the Least

    Love for the Least is a MOVEMENT born from the fifteen-year missionary work of its first field workers, dozens of church partners in America from a broad range of traditions and thousands of Believers who pray daily and invest in God’s Kingdom. The mission of L4L is to share the compassion of Christ with an unreached world. You can learn more about this organization here.

  • Jill Phillips, Blessing Bag outreach

    A couple of times a year, we gather to make Blessing Bags. Theses bags are designed for you to leave  in your car to bless individuals asking for assistance, rather than handing out cash. The bags contain practical items that are immediately useful and easy to carry, and prayer cards created by our CTR Youth. For more information, contact Jill Phillips HERE or Sandy Tisdale HERE.

  • Susan Ross, Camp Crucis

    Susan Ross, with Becky Powell, is our liaison with Camp Crucis. She coordinates the needs of the camp with our church, as well as communicates the various camps offered throughout the summer. You can learn more about Camp Crucis here.

  • Bill Meyer, Centurion partner, fr. juta

    CTR has deep roots with the Diocese of Northern Malawi. In the summer of 2017, over 20 of our parishioners went on a mission trip there led by Fr. Chris. We support one their priests, Fr. Juta, through the  Centurion program both financially and with prayers. Marty and Bill are our liaisons with Fr. Juta. For more information, checkout their web site here.

  • Marty Norman, Centurion Partner, Fr. Juta

    CTR has deep roots with the Diocese of Northern Malawi. In the summer of 2017, over 20 of our parishioners went on a mission trip there led by Fr. Chris. We support one their priests, Fr. Juta, through the  Centurion program both financially and with prayers. Marty and Bill are our liaisons with Fr. Juta. For more information, check out their web site here.

  • Fr. Chris, Gafcon, Nashotah House,  And Recovery in the pines

    The GAFCON movement is a global family of authentic Anglicans standing together to retain and restore the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion. We support seminarians who attend seminarian schools such as Nashotah House. Find more about GAFCON here and Nashotah House.

    More information on Recovery in the Pines can be found on our web site and their web site here.

    We support these organizations through financial and prayer support. You can learn more about this organization here.

  • becky powell, La Gran Familia

    La Gran Familia provides a safe, loving, Christian home for vulnerable children living in and around the City of Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua. These children’s lives are transformed as they receive a healthy home environment, medical services and education. The children become happy and secure while being equipped to become well integrated citizens in their community.

    For more information, check out their website here.

  • Ann Allen, ODWIN and New Wineskins

    Opening Doors for Women in Need (ODWIN) is a faith based, non-profit organization that provide programs for women that will empower them with faith, confidence, resources, teaching and training needed to gain a level of independence and self-sufficiency, creating financial accountability and stability to be able to provide for themselves and their children. You can learn more about this organization here.

    New Wineskins Missionary Network helps Anglicans to be more knowledgeable, active and effective in fulfilling our Lord's Great Commission. Every three years it sponsors a Global Mission conference.Ann is our liaison with this organization. You can learn more about this organization here or their website.

  • Carol Haney, Rivertree Academy

    Rivertree Academy is a private Christian school in Fort Worth, Texas providing community-funded education for under-resourced students in the Lake Como neighborhood. Carol organized Christmas food boxes for the families of Rivertree in 2019 and was a blessing for those who received and those who gave! For more information check out their website here.

  • Melissa Smith, Sams/Gresser family

    Sams focus is on partnering with Anglican/Episcopal churches across the globe to grow the kingdom of God.The Gressers want to serve where the need is great. Robert has a passion to serve as a theological educator where there is a lack of qualified teachers, not to replace local leaders, but to train national church leaders so they can in turn train other church leaders. Traci’s desire is to minister socially through hospitality and ministry of presence, encouraging and strengthening families to spread Kingdom change throughout the communities where they serve. You can support them here.

  • Mary Anne Weisiger, SOMA

    Sharing of Ministries Abroad, SOMA, is an international mission agency that serves the Anglican Communion and the worldwide church through short term, cross- cultural missions both locally and abroad, ministering to the clergy and the lay leaders alike. You can learn more about this organization here.

  • Roger Smith, Rehema Home Nairobi

    A home much like your own, Rehema Home Nairobi is located in a residential suburb on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Out of a need with overcrowding and horrendous conditions of the government homes  Irvin and Ruth Schwandt were galvantized to provide proper, loving care for Kenya’s abandoned and orphaned children. With two locations, Rehema Home was founded in 1998. Find out more here.

  • Michelle Purvis, Willing Hands

    Willing Hands was established in 2022, by our dear friend, Ruth Riaro.

    After many years of prayer and patience, she will be opening a vocational training center to empower

    women with professional skills to provide sustenance for themselves and families. Ruth is excited to be partnering with an established worldwide organization, Hope International.

    The initial vocations offered will be computer skills, catering,tailoring, and hair & beauty.