Our story begins with our mission...

We are a church of the Great Command,

the Great Commission and the Great Tradition.

In 2008, Fr. Chris, with a group of families and individuals, felt the call to plant a church in southwest Fort Worth.


Since then, we have continued to demonstrate God's Great Command by worshiping Him in the Great Tradition (based on the ACNA 2019 Book of Common Prayer) and by reaching out into the community within the walls of CTR and beyond with the love of Christ.


We are committed to the Great Commission through developing life-long disciples of Christ through baptism and our Family Formation

  Where we worship today...

As we grew, God provided us space!

We started first under a tent, then we moved to the LMRA ballroom and as our church continued to grow we needed more space... So, God provided our current space, a shopping mall!

Transforming a commercial space into a worship space was a challenge but with God's guidance anything is possible! Before walls were painted and the carpet laid, our members wrote scripture verses on the floor that leads to the altar. The area was prayed over, and then the work began. An altar was built, chairs were assembled, rooms were created. Then in 2013 on All Saints Day, we held our first service in our new home. Since then, our church family has grown from the original group of about a dozen people, to a vibrant congregation of over 200.

... our vision and...

In the beginning of our story, a group of people had a vision to follow Jesus and plant the church called Christ the Redeemer. That vision is the same today as it was then, our vision is God's vision.

When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray,

he said,

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Therefore, this is our vision statement at CTR.

First and foremost, it is God’s own vision.

And, we at CTR only want what God has in mind for us. So today, we continue to walk by faith as we obey God's Great Command, follow His Great Commission and worship in the Great Tradition.

our future...

OUr new home purchase...

We are so excited with the purchase of land at 5001 Overton Ridge in Fort Worth. An architect has been hired, plans have been revealed to our congregation and now we begin a capital campaign to raise money to build our new home!

Our first service on the property was on Pentecost... where our story began some years ago...