clergy and staff

Got Questions? Our Staff may have your answers!

For as long as we can remember, the best way to learn is to ask a question. As a child, our questions may have started with 'Why' and eventually the questions may have started with 'How come?'. However, as we get older, our questions may still start with these, or other phrases but the simple answers we were once given may not be sufficient. As Christians, our go to place is first the Bible but what if we need more? Maybe whether Christian or not, we need a person to answer our questions. At CTR, we welcome questions whether it be as simple as '"When is our worship time?' or "Do you have child care?”  To more theological questions such as "What do I need to do to be saved?" or

How do we know God exists?"

For questions please contact our church at 817 386-3000 or e-mail us at

  • Fr. christopher culpepper, rector 

    Fr. Chris can think of nothing more spiritually invigorating than advancing the mission of the Kingdom of God. The particular way God seems to have equipped him to do this work is through the planting of churches. Fr. Chris is married to his wonderful wife, Margie, who also shares his passion in serving our Lord. 

    They have two children, and one granddaughter!

  • Fr.  Charles (Bubba) Humphrey, Assisting Priest

    Fr. Charles, affectionately known as Bubba, joined our staff in 2021, as our assisting priest. He wears many hats so to speak in this role... He is also in charge of Sunday morning ministries, our Youth ministry and Life Groups. He was born in Natchez, Mississippi and he is married to his lovely wife, Eva and they have 6 children!

  • Dcn. Carl Harkins, Deacon

    Deacon Carl was ordained at Christ the Redeemer on February 27th, 2021. He and his family joined CTR a few years prior. He is the first Deacon ordained at Christ the Redeemer and we are blessed have him as part of our ministry team! Deacon Carl is married to Eileen and they have 4 wonderful children.

  • ann allen, office administrator

    Ann began our office administrator in 2021. She is a long time member of CTR and serves on our Mission committee. Ann wears many hats - accounting, marketing, assistant to our priests, answers phones and anything else related to helping our church to achieve our mission. She has a wonderful daughter, Lanie and is the owner of Trinity Trails Pet Sitting.

  • melissa smith, director of Children, Family & Women ministries

    As a 20+ yr veteran in the trenches of parenting and Children’s ministry, Melissa is passionate about equipping and encouraging parents as the spiritual leaders of their families. She has a love for God’s written Word and is excited to share how our deeply-rooted Anglican tradition brings richness and fullness to our faith as modern Christians.

  • Michael Cobillas, Director of College and Young Adult Ministries

    For the young adults, we have a simple process of discipleship – IN, UP, OUT.  Ministry among young adults includes Sunday school, sharing a meal on Sunday evenings with a Bible study afterwards and mission opportunities.  This is a place where young adults can come together, grow in their faith, and serve in various ministry opportunities. 

    Michael is from the Bay Area in California, and he comes from a family of 4 raised by his mother. He now lives in Fort Worth with his lovely wife, Sarah.

  • Fr. Charles (Bubba) Humphrey, Youth minister

    At CTR, the whole purpose of youth ministry is to develop life-long disciples of Christ.  Through worship, discipleship, fellowship and mission, the youth of CTR are given opportunities to explore and enrich their faith. I Timothy 4:12 declares, “Do not let anyone despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” Therefore, we at CTR commit ourselves to equipping our youth to learn how to serve today, that they may know how to lead tomorrow. Fr. Charles continues to equip CTR’s youth through Sunday school, twice monthy Sunday evenings , mission trips, and various outreach projects.

  • Felicity Mazur-Park, director of Music

    Felicity, an English composer, pianist, and organist, holds a Bachelor of Music degree from The Boston Conservatory, a Master of Education degree from Tennessee State University, and a Master of Music degree from Texas Christian University, where she is studying towards her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Music Composition with a cognate in organ performance. She lives in Euless with her husband and two young sons.

  • Fr. Charles,  Life group Coordinator

    It is the hope and goal of CTR that all our members will be equipped to share the Gospel with all people. Fr. Charles coordinates the Life Group programs at CTR with Supper groups, Bible studies, retreats and events that will draw people into a deeper relationship with Jesus and one another.

  • Christine Martin,  communications

    Christine began as a volunteer staff in 2017. Her responsibility is communicating the mission of CTR to those inside our walls at CTR and beyond. She works on our web site, oversees our social media, manages bulletin boards and information tables. She is married to Bill and they have two daughters - one lives in England and the other is in Austin, and both girls are graduates of Baylor.

  • Fr. Stuart Smith, volunteer staff

    Fr. Stuart and his wife, Sara, made CTR their parish home in 2023! Fr. Stuart joined the staff as a volunteer member in 2024. He will help from time-to-time with teaching adult Sunday school; preaching and liturgical functions, on occasion. Fr. Stuart was the long-time rector of Good Shepherd Anglican Church in Granbury, TX. Fr. Stuart will continue his priestly ministry to us, even in "retirement"!