ASH WEDNESDAY and LENT is coming. A bounty of opportunity to live out our Christian life next week. If you are new to living daily life around the liturgical seasons and feast days of the church or just eager to learn more, here are some quick links on How to explain Ash Wednesday to kids and some Lent Suggestions for Families.
How will your family engage in this upcoming Lenten liturgical Season? Looking for further ideas and insightful information explaining the history, the why and ways to engage with the life of the church in your family life this Lent? A new book that cultivates celebration of all of the liturgical seasons in family life is "Sacred Seasons: A Family Guide to Center Your Year Around Jesus" by Danielle Hitchen. Check it out here. Wonderful ideas for practically living the liturgical seasons throughout the year! A copy is available to look at on the shelf by CTR nursery.
A family Lenten Devotional for families with young children has been produced by St John's Anglican in Vancouver which includes familiar images to CTR children in Atrium II.
God's Big Story Lenten Devotional for Young Children.
CTR has a Scripture reading devotional that families could adapt for younger family members.