How to Keep Lent Season at Home
Lent Devotional – This devotional on our web site is designed for you (and your family) to read through Jesus’ journey
to the cross, spending time each day reading God’s Word and offering prayers
for yourself and others.
Prayers – If you do
not have a regular prayer time in your daily routine, now is a great time to
start! Your prayers do not have to be complex, long, or limited to mealtime.
Your prayers should include a prayer for the return of our Lord in your life.
You may pray when you wake up, at bedtime, and anytime in between.
Serving Others –The command of God is to love God and love
others. Lent is an excellent time to add acts of service to your life. You can
volunteer at CTR, a food bank, Rivertree Academy, Union Gospel Mission, write
cards or letters to shut-ins are just a few ideas.
Giving to Others – Purge
and collect items from your home, such as clothing, toys, and household items
and donate them to Union Gospel Mission. Don’t be afraid to ask others for ideas.
Fasting/Giving Up
Something – Denying ourselves or giving up something during Lent is known as
fasting. Fasting is not solely about food denial but could be giving up an
activity such as video games or television. Fasting is a reminder of what Jesus
went through and that we are walking with him to the cross.