The Season of pentecost

Summer Schedule!

This Sunday:

Fellowship with coffee & snacks: @10:00 a.m.

Worship service: @10:30 a.m.

We are located at:

6116 Southwest Blvd.

Fort Worth, Texas

Find us on:

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Our Capital Campaign to build our new home has begun! More information can be found on our

 Give page and an update has to been posted there.

And for the youth Capital Campaign garage sale, 

please click on our Youth Page.

For information on our nursery, please click here.

*Sunday School for Everyone resumes

in September @9:30 a.m.

Our Mission is to be a church of the Great Command,

the Great Commission and the Great Tradition.

We obey God's Great Command.

We fulfill the Great Commission through developing life-long disciples of Christ

through baptism and our Family Formation programs.

We live out the Great Tradition by doing to what the Bible says according to the teaching

of the Early and Undivided Church, according to the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

Welcome to Christ the redeemer!

What to expect on sundays @CTR...

There are two basic things you will want to know about our worship service.

FIRST, our worship service is highly participatory! Together, we sing, pray, read Scripture, hear a message that applies to our daily lives, take communion, and are charged to go and make disciples of all nations!

SECOND, we do these things because this is what the Church has always done! Our worship service is taken directly from what Jesus said to  the 12 apostles:"Do this in remembrance of me." 

Sunday School @9:30am*

*will resume in September

Fellowship with coffee @10:00 am

Worship @10:30 am.

Children are always welcome in the church and nursery is available.

Our Vision is God's vision.

When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he said,

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Therefore, this is our vision statement at CTR. First and foremost, it is God’s own vision.

And, we at CTR only want what God has in mind for us. So, we continue to walk by faith as we obey God's Great Command, follow His Great Commission and

worship in the Great Tradition.

Our Core values

Worship – Discipleship – Fellowship – Mission – Evangelism – Stewardship – Prayer

Taken from our vision and mission above, these core values drive every decision we make. They are our governing principles by which we discuss and discern the ministry God has given us to do at CTR.

UPcoming Events:

For more information check out our calendar here.

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...